Direct Services for People Living with HIV

The Spahr Center is Marin County’s provider of non-medical services for people living with HIV. We are here to support you whether you are newly diagnosed or are a long-term survivor. People living with HIV should have all the resources to thrive!

Many of the direct services we offer for people living with HIV are funded through the federal Ryan White program or through 340B. As such, there are limitations on eligibility for certain services. If you don’t meet our eligibility restrictions, we will do our best to make a referral. If you’re interested in accessing or learning more about our Ryan White programs, contact one of our cases managers Maria Camacho (415-886-8553) or Emily Sims (415-886-8555). 

HIV Care Planning and Case Management

The Spahr Center’s staff work individually with HIV+ community members to support their long-term health and well-being through case management, care planning, social service navigation, and linkages to medical care. The Spahr Center works closely with Marin Community Clinics to ensure high-quality medical care for our clients.

Benefits Advocacy

The Spahr Center’s benefits counselor can help clients understand federal and state benefits such as AIDS Drug Assistance Program, Social Security/Disability, healthcare, unemployment, SNAP, and other assistance programs. These systems, while incredibly important social safety nets, can be complicated to navigate. We are here to help!

HIV Medicine Access

HIV medicine is life saving and life sustaining. Treatment as Prevention is a proven strategy to prevent transmission because when HIV is undetectable it is untransmittable. We partner with an HIV specialty pharmacy so that our clients can easily get the medication they need. Funds generated through this program, called 340B, leads to increased resources for people living with HIV across Marin.

Financial Assistance

We provide support with rental assistance, utilities, and move-in expenses. We also offer food and transportation cards, help cover costs associated with health insurance, prescriptions, eyeglasses, and other medical costs, including costs of getting to and from doctor visits.

Counseling and Peer Support

The Spahr Center offers free counseling as well as peer groups for long-term HIV survivors (1st and 3rd Thursday on zoom), and a Spanish-language group for Latine’s living with HIV (Mondays at 6pm).

Food Pantry

The Spahr Center offers a food pantry that is well-stocked with fresh and delicious food for our HIV clients. Click here to learn more.

Interested in attending a support group or event?

  • Red HIV awareness ribbon